Ember Best Practices


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EmberJS Purecloud Group

Types of Tests in Ember

Unit Tests

Component Integration Tests

Acceptnace Tests

The Ideal

The Ideal for Web Directory

Unit Tests

Run Loop?

Ember uses its run loop (backburner) to schedule work async, so that the browser doesn't hang up

https://guides.emberjs.com/v2.7.0/applications/run-loop/ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13597869/what-is-ember-runloop-and-how-does-it-work

functions that are async need to be wrapped in an Ember.run

Common case is the set function


The container is the magic ember uses to make its convention over config happen


Mind your needs! - all collaborators need to be needed


Stubs - hard coded return values

Spies - call the real impls, but can assert on how

Mocks - Can set up return values and assert on how

Implementing Fakes

These are easy to code yourself for simple cases

For advanced usage take a look at ember sinon


Use moduleForModel To test Ember Data Logic

Gives you access to the store object via "this.store"

Great for testing computeds and integration of serializer/adapter customization

Stubbing HTTP Responses

Mockjax https://github.com/jakerella/jquery-mockjax

overrides jquery ajax

Pretender https://github.com/pretenderjs/pretender

overrides XMLHTTPRequest

Prefer Pretender

Model Test with HTTP Stubbing

import { test, moduleForModel } from 'ember-qunit';

moduleForModel('chat-search-result', 'Unit | Model | Chat Search Result', {
    needs: [

const sampleResults = {
    count: 2,
    limit: 10,
    offset: 10,
    ms: 10000,
    ts: 10000,
    entities: [
            id: '1',
            chat: 'aaaa',
            body: 'hello',
            createdDate: '99999',
            from: {
                jid: 'abcd',
                name: 'larry'
            to: {
                jid: 'xyz',
                name: 'moe'
        }, {
            id: '2',
            chat: 'bbbbb',
            body: 'world',
            createdDate: '1111111',
            from: {
                jid: 'xyz',
                name: 'moe'
            to: {
                jid: 'abcd',
                name: 'larry'

test('it should populate model with search results', function (assert) {
        url: '/platform/api/v1/search/chats/',
        content: 'application/json',
        status: 200,
        responseText: sampleResults,
        type: 'POST'
    const resultPromise = this.store().query('chat-search-result', {
        query: '*',
        targetJids: ['roomJid']
    return resultPromise.then((results) => {
        const searchResults = results.get('content').mapBy('record');
        assert.equal(searchResults[0].get('body'), sampleResults.entities[0].body, 'should retrieve body for first chat');
        assert.equal(searchResults[1].get('body'), sampleResults.entities[1].body, 'should retrieve body for second chat');
        return assert.equal(searchResults[0].get('from.name'), sampleResults.entities[0].from.name, 'should retrieve from name for first chat');

Unit testing everything else

use "moduleFor" to test ember objects

  • Services
  • Helpers
  • Routes
  • Utils

Service Unit Test

import { moduleFor, test } from 'ember-qunit';
import Ember from 'ember';

const DUMMY_ELEMENT = {};

let MapUtilStub = Ember.Object.extend({
  createMap(element, location) {
    this.assert.ok(element, 'createMap called with element');
    this.assert.ok(location, 'createMap called with location');
    return DUMMY_ELEMENT;

moduleFor('service:maps', 'Unit | Service | maps', {
  needs: ['util:google-maps']

test('should create a new map if one isnt cached for location', function (assert) {
  let stubMapUtil = MapUtilStub.create({ assert });
  let mapService = this.subject({ mapUtil: stubMapUtil });
  let element = mapService.getMapElement('San Francisco');
  assert.ok(element, 'element exists');
  assert.equal(element.className, 'map', 'element has class name of map');

test('should use existing map if one is cached for location', function (assert) {
  let stubCachedMaps = Ember.Object.create({
    sanFrancisco: DUMMY_ELEMENT
  let mapService = this.subject({ cachedMaps: stubCachedMaps });
  let element = mapService.getMapElement('San Francisco');
  assert.equal(element, DUMMY_ELEMENT, 'element fetched from cache');


Testing Asynchronously

When the test depends on the completion RSVP Promise, return the Promise and the test will wait for it

When you need to wait on a callback use assert.async

Component Integration Tests

What you don't get

Access to the component instance

Asserts are mostly run against the DOM

Providing data and actions

import { moduleForComponent, test } from 'ember-qunit';
import hbs from 'htmlbars-inline-precompile';
import RSVP from 'rsvp';
import wait from 'ember-test-helpers/wait';

moduleForComponent('list-filter', 'Integration | Component | list filter', {
  integration: true

const ITEMS = [{city: 'San Francisco'},
               {city: 'Portland'},
               {city: 'Seattle'}];

test('should initially load all listings', function (assert) {
  this.on('filterByCity', (val) => {
    assert.equal(val, '');
    return RSVP.resolve(ITEMS);

    {{#list-filter filter=(action 'filterByCity') as |rentals|}}
    {{#each rentals as |item|}}
  • {{item.city}}
  • {{/each}}
{{/list-filter}} `); return wait().then(() => { assert.equal(this.$('.city').length, 3); assert.equal(this.$('.city').first().text().trim(), 'San Francisco'); }); });

Stubbing Services

import { moduleForComponent, test } from 'ember-qunit';
import hbs from 'htmlbars-inline-precompile';
import Ember from 'ember';

let StubMapsService = Ember.Service.extend({

  getMapElement(location) {
    this.set('calledWithLocation', location);
    return document.createElement('div');

moduleForComponent('location-map', 'Integration | Component | location map', {
  integration: true,
  beforeEach() {
    this.register('service:maps', StubMapsService);
    this.inject.service('maps', { as: 'mapsService' });

test('should append map element to container element', function(assert) {
  this.set('myLocation', 'New York');
  this.render(hbs`{{location-map location=myLocation}}`);
  assert.equal(this.$('.map-container').children().length, 1, 'container should have one child');
  assert.equal(this.get('mapsService.calledWithLocation'), 'New York', 'should call service with New York');

Acceptance Tests

Custom Helpers!

ember g test-helper name

Fake the Server with Mirage

Uses pretender under the covers

maintains a complete server/orm on the client



Sample Acceptance Suite

import { test } from 'qunit';
import moduleForAcceptance from 'super-rentals/tests/helpers/module-for-acceptance';
import Ember from 'ember';

let StubMapsService = Ember.Service.extend({
  getMapElement() {
    return document.createElement('div');

moduleForAcceptance('Acceptance | list rentals', {
  beforeEach() {
    this.application.register('service:mockMaps', StubMapsService);
    this.application.inject('component:location-map', 'maps', 'service:mockMaps');

test('should redirect to rentals route', function (assert) {
  andThen(function() {
    assert.equal(currentURL(), '/rentals', 'should redirect automatically');

test('should link to about page', function (assert) {
  andThen(function () {
    assert.equal(currentURL(), '/about', 'should navigate to about');

test('should link to contacts page', function (assert) {
  andThen(function () {
    assert.equal(currentURL(), '/contact', 'should navigate to contact');

test('should initially list 3 rentals', function (assert) {
  andThen(function () {
    assert.equal(find('.results .listing').length, 3, 'should display 3 listings');

test('should list 1 rental when filtering by Seattle', function (assert) {
  fillIn('.list-filter input', 'seattle');
  keyEvent('.list-filter input', 'keyup', 69);
  andThen(function () {
    assert.equal(find('.results .listing').length, 1, 'should display 1 listing');
    assert.equal(find('.listing .location:contains("Seattle")').length, 1, 'should contain 1 listing with location Seattle');

test('should show details for a specific rental', function (assert) {
  click('a:contains("Grand Old Mansion")');
  andThen(function() {
    assert.equal(currentURL(), '/rentals/grand-old-mansion', "should navigate to show route");
    assert.equal(find('.show-listing h2').text(), "Grand Old Mansion", 'should list rental title');
    assert.equal(find('.description').length, 1, 'should list a description of the property');


Acceptance Testing is a WIP for Web Directory

Setting up Mirage for HTTP Faking

Faking Authentication

Cleaning up between tests

web sockets?


  • Stack Traces on Chrome or in console

  • Setting async stacks on dev tools

  • set on destroyed object(not tearing something down)

  • run loop (wrap in run)

  • Missing needs

  • pauseTest to freeze execution to play with screen on browser

  • debugger to set breakpoint at line

Avoiding Brittle Tests

  • Test Outcomes, not Internals
  • Use Pure Functions Where You Can
  • Keep Collaborators to a Minimum
  • Law of Demeter
  • Don't Test the Framework, Its already Tested

Workflow Tips

  • Make a list of test skeletons as a todo list
  • Tests are much harder to write after the fact
  • write them early to avoid the feeling of reverse engineering your code
