Todd Jordan
Triangle Ember Meetup Organizer
Ember Learn Team
Commitment to Semver, "Stability without Stagnation"
Convention over Configuration
Pre-Built Local Environment and Build Pipeline
(node, tests, linting, es6)
Community Owned and Maintained
Components are Everywhere
Lessons Forged in Fire
Not Dogma, but understand your tradeoffs
Basic Component Mechanics of Ember
Inspire some ideas, thoughts
Ember's sweetspot
Predictable vs. In Control
Adding Decoration
Simple vs Declarative
Alternative: Handlebars Helpers
Ultimate Flexibility
Customization vs Easy Defaults
Easy Reuse
Ease of Use vs Power Over State
Communicating Across Complexity
Predictable Data Flow vs. Data Flow Complexity
Sub-Components - Create building blocks
Single Responsibility
Use it within the proper scope as a last resort
Return Promises from actions
Adhere to DDAU
Treat Services like data, push them up the tree
Limit service injection to top level or coordinating components
Avoid Circular Service Dependencies
Adhere to good programming principles
Use Ember Data for persistence when you can
Twitter: @tddjordan
Github: toddjordan
Slack(Ember, Triangle): todd.jordan